Definition, Meaning & Anagrams | English word ETT
Definitions of ETT
- (medicine) Initialism of endotracheal tube.
- A surname.
Number of letters
Is palindrome
Examples of Using ETT in a Sentence
- In 1979, the Swedish government began development studies for "an aircraft for fighter, attack, and reconnaissance" (ett jakt-, attack- och spaningsflygplan, hence "JAS") to replace the Saab 35 Draken and 37 Viggen in the Swedish Air Force.
- The other two girls were found in the audition process: thirteen-year-olds Faye Hamlin and Rosie Munter, the latter of which had also starred in the popular Swedish film called Eva & Adam: Fyra födelsedagar och ett fiasko.
- Munter's first introduction to stardom, prior to joining Play, was at the age of 12, with the supporting role of Petra in the successful Swedish film Eva & Adam – Fyra Födelsedagar och ett Fiasko, directed by Catti Edfeldt.
- Jacob Berzelius publishes Försök att genom användandet af den electrokemiska theorien och de kemiska proportionerna grundlägga ett rent vettenskapligt system för mineralogien ("An attempt to establish a pure scientific system of mineralogy, by the application of the electro-chemical theory and the chemical proportions").
- Winnerbäck has been the subject of two full-length documentary films, Solen i ögonen – En film om Lars Winnerbäck (2008, directed by Magnus Gertten) and Winnerbäck - Ett slags liv (2017, directed by Øystein Karlsen).
- Jan Glete, Asea under hundra år: 1883–1983: en studie i ett storföretags organisatoriska, tekniska och ekonomiska utveckling.
- Ett scholion till Adams af Bremen historia uppgifver däremot, att sedan Stenkils son Halsten blifvit fördrifven och dennes efterträdare, den från Ryssland inkallade Anund, likaledes blifvit afsatt, valdes H.
- The track "Disillusion" was originally written in Swedish by Agnetha Fältskog for her solo album Elva kvinnor i ett hus.
- Tobé, Erik, "Maupertius' "Berättelse om en färd till det inre av Lappland för att finna ett gammalt minnesmärke"", Oknytt No.
- Gull och mull: Den monstruöse Gustaf Bonde, upplysningens fiende i frihetstidens Sverige: Historien om hans exkrementalkemi, hans krets och värld: försedd med psykoanalytiska, Batailleska och historiematerialistiska reflexioner, samt ett utkast mot döden.
Folket som bor i dessa gårdar torde vara av renaste guld -- dessa sega magra arbetare som brottas med sin fattiga jord och segra, segra är det icke ett folk att hålla av.
- The melodies on "Elva Kvinnor I Ett Hus" are generally seen as more complex and more influenced by contemporary pop and rock than on Fältskog's earlier albums, which had been in the fairly lightweight schlager genre, and Bosse Carlgren's poignant, ironic and humorous lyrics make up small stories in themselves - some even including slightly risqué content.
- A Swedish version of "A Table in the Sun" – "Ett bord i solen" – later appeared on Fredriksson's 2008 ballads compilation Tid för tystnad.
- Benign lesions include placental site nodule and hydatidiform moles while malignant lesions have four subtypes including invasive mole, gestational choriocarcinoma, placental site trophoblastic tumor (PSTT) and epithelioid trophoblastic tumor (ETT).
- Ett tecken på uppslutningen bakom parlamentet är att härjedalingarna numera aldrig talar om att lämna Jämtlands län för Gävleborg.
- Thomas Owen Clancy has interpreted the text as Goidelic, giving Drosten, i ré Uoret ett Forcus (Drosten, in the time of Uoret, and Forcus).
- It received 78 points –32 points more than the runner-up song "Ett liv med dej" by Towe Jaarnek–, winning the competition.
- I Roland Svenssons övärld: ett urval ur hundra dagböcker 1946–1960 ("In Roland Svensson's world of Islands – a selection from a hundred diaries 1946–1960"), Bonnier Alba, 1995.
- The title track "Ett hus med många rum", written by Lasse Holm and Ingela "Pling" Forsman, is a peace song which was made for the year 2000.
- In 1981 the Swedish band Gyllene Tider recorded a version of the song with Swedish lyrics, written by singer Per Gessle (the male half of Roxette), named "Vill ha ett svar!".
- Berglund, Kurt (1993) Stockholms alla biografer: ett stycke Stockholmshistoria från 90-tal till 90-tal (Stockholm: Svenska turistföreningen).
- Kajsa Grytt: Brott & Straff - historier från ett kvinnofängelse, En kvinna under påverkan, Jag ler, jag dör.
- In addition to its cardiac consultation services, the Punjab Institute of Cardiology offers a comprehensive range of medical services, including an Outpatient Department (OPD) and an array of advanced diagnostic services such as Electrocardiograms (ECG), Exercise Tolerance Tests (ETT), Angiography, Angioplasty, Electrophysiology studies, and CT scans.
- She is also a character in the play Le Verre d'eau by Eugène Scribe; Gunnel Lindblom portrayed her in the 1960 Swedish TV adaptation of Scribe's play Ett Glas vatten; Liselotte Pulver in the 1960 West German film adaptation Das Glas Wasser, Judit Halász in the 1977 Hungarian TV adaptation Sakk-matt, and Natalya Belokhvostikova in the 1979 Soviet film adaptation Stakan vody (Стакан воды).
- Among her parts were Madame de Maintenon in Ludvig den fjortonde och markisinnan Maintenon (Louis XIV and Madame de Maintenon), Mrs Serpentier in Den gifta mannen i staden och på landet (The married man in the city and in the country), Emilia in Othello, the queen dowager Hedwig Eleonora in Carl den elfte (Charles XI) by Teodor Hagberg, Belise in Lärdt folk i stubb (The precieuses) by Molière, Mrs Dupuis in Ett hem (A home) by Feuillet, Fadette in Syrsan (Le petite Fadette) by George Sand, Dorine in Tartuffe, the Duchess of Marlborough in Ett glas vatten (A glass of water), Frosine in Den girige (The greedy one) by Molière, Madam Rundholmen in De ungas förbund (The union of the young) by Ibsen and the Duchess in Sällskap där man har tråkigt (Company where one is bored) by Pailleron.
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